WHERE TO USE: hard non-porous surfaces such as floors, walls, metal surfaces, glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic tile, plastic surfaces, vanity tops, shower stalls, bathtubs, garbage cans, desks, shower doors, toilets and cabinets
Eliminates 99.9% of the virus that causes COVID-19 (Kills SARS-CoV-2 on hard, non-porous surfaces in 10 minutes). EPA Reg 1839-166-777
Lysol Multi-Surface Cleaner Smart Refill Cartridges enable the reuse of Lysol Smart bottle up to 25 times. Packaging design may differ.
WHERE TO USE: hard non-porous surfaces such as floors, walls, metal surfaces, glazed porcelain, glazed ceramic tile, plastic surfaces, vanity tops, shower stalls, bathtubs, garbage cans, desks, shower doors, toilets and cabinets
Eliminates 99.9% of the virus that causes COVID-19 (Kills SARS-CoV-2 on hard, non-porous surfaces in 10 minutes). EPA Reg 1839-166-777
Lysol Multi-Surface Cleaner Smart Refill Cartridges enable the reuse of Lysol Smart bottle up to 25 times. Packaging design may differ.